94% of Utahns vote by mail, and we’re a majority that won’t be silenced. Voting by mail allows voters to cast their ballot safely from home after researching candidates. Sadly, a small group of legislators, completely out of step with Utahns, want to add barriers to voting and take Utah backwards. Utahns should not have to spend $37,000,000 to “fix” a system that already works. Sign the petition below to join the Let Utah Vote Coalition in calling on our elected leaders to defend voting.
When you sign below, the Let Utah Vote coalition will automatically send your legislators a postcard demanding to protect our democracy.
While many states in the country have moved toward making it harder to cast a ballot or register to vote, we know that Utah is different. As the first state to allow women to vote in state elections, Utah has long had the enduring courage and wisdom to make democracy easier to access for its citizens.
When you sign below, the Let Utah Vote coalition will automatically send your legislators a postcard demanding to protect our democracy.
That's why we, the people of Utah and your constituents, demand that casting our ballots not be made more difficult. As Utahns, we will not permit:
- Adding barriers to voting in-person or by mail.
- Limiting who can vote.
- Eliminating or restricting voting by mail in any way.
- Changing the rules on documents voters can use to confirm identity.
- Reducing voter registration opportunities.
- Restricting voter registration drives.
- Reducing the number of locations where we can vote on or before Election Day.
- Altering deadlines for mailing ballots, registering to vote, or other steps in the election process.
- Limiting access for voters with disabilities or voters who have difficulty reading English.
- Infringing in any other way on our freedom to vote.
Voting by mail, voting early, and access to voter registration are key facets of Utah's democracy. Additionally, according to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst, eliminating voting by mail in Utah would cost taxpayers nearly $40 million. Therefore, we implore every member of the Utah Legislature and the Governor not to introduce, advance, pass, or sign any law that restricts access to voting by mail, voting early, voter registration, or any other aspect of access to our democracy. 94% of Utahns vote by mail, and we're a majority that won't be silenced.
The undersigned voters of Utah
The members of the Let Utah Vote Coalition: Rural Utah Project, ACLU of Utah, Utah Disability Law Center, Utah Muslim Civic League, League of Women Voters of Utah, Alliance for a Better Utah, and Better Boundaries