Protect Your Constitutional Right to Ballot Initiatives

Last week, people like you made your voices heard and helped the Let Utah Vote coalition stop HB214 in committee. Thank you!

Now we are asking you to use your voice to help us stop legislation attacking citizen-led ballot initiatives.

We have seen the Utah Legislature repeatedly attack citizen-led ballot initiatives. They have done this through repealing voter-approved initiatives, like Independent Redistricting, and through proposed legislation that would make the ballot process more difficult.

Once again, the legislature is taking outrageous action to undermine our right to reform our government and to take power away from citizens, and we need your help.

House Joint Resolution 14 is working its way through our Legislature. This bill works hand in hand with HB284 to amend the Utah Constitution. In doing so, it would make it more difficult to pass ballot initiatives by changing the vote percentage needed to pass certain statewide initiatives from a simple majority to a supermajority of 60%.


Please, call or email your representative today and tell them to vote ‘no’ on HJR 14 – Proposal to Amend Utah Constitution – Statewide Initiatives.

Here are a handful of talking points on HJR14:

    1. I oppose putting HJR14 on the ballot, and efforts to raise the threshold for any ballot initiative above a simple majority.

    2. HJR 14 creates different rules for voters and legislators.

    3. Only on very rare occasions is it appropriate for the Utah Legislature to recommend Constitutional Amendments.

    4. The Utah Legislature has gone too far – passing a ballot initiative is already more difficult in Utah compared to other states with stringent signature requirements to even get an initiative on the ballot.

    5. I’m concerned that this Constitutional Amendment is confusing. As the bill is written, it is ambiguous to both lawmakers and voters which potential initiatives will increase or impose a tax and thus be subject to the heightened threshold.

    6. As your constituent, I ask you not to put this Constitutional Amendment on the ballot – please oppose HJR14.

Tips for talking to your legislator:

    1. Keep it short, clear, and direct.

    2. Be respectful and civil.

    3. Let them know you are a constituent

    4. Clearly state whether you oppose or support the bill.

    5. Use your own words to tell your legislator why you care about the issue.