We are thrilled to announce that Utahns had their day in court, and the fight for fair maps continues. On July 11, 2024, the Utah Supreme Court unanimously delivered a massive victory to the plaintiffs. They ruled that the Utah State Legislature cannot alter citizen led efforts to reform their government. The case now returns to the district court to be further decided.
Despite our best efforts and the voices of thousands of Utahns, politicians in the Utah Legislature succumbed to their own self-interest and engaged in extreme partisan gerrymandering. In doing so they polarized our legislative races, split our communities, and diminished the votes of Utahns.
Across the country, state courts provide an avenue for voters to push back against gerrymandering. Better Boundaries, with our legal partners, undertook a thorough assessment to determine whether a lawsuit was a viable remedy in Utah.
The plaintiffs, a bipartisan mix of voters and civic organizations represented by legal experts on gerrymandering and supported by Better Boundaries, have filed their lawsuit. We fully endorse the plaintiffs’ efforts and look forward to seeing the courts throw out the congressional map and reinforce the people’s right to reform their government. Your participation in this grassroots movement and your vocal opposition to the gerrymandered map created last year make this moment possible.